
Information +
Analysis = Intelligence

We help you make more informed business decisions

Investigative Services for Businesses & Corporations

From conducting comprehensive background investigations on new executives, to interviewing witnesses for an internal investigation, to gathering intelligence about competitors, we help you gather critical information to help you make a more informed business decisions.

We Help You Make More Informed Business Decisions

From conducting comprehensive background investigations on new executives, to interviewing witnesses for an internal investigation, to gathering intelligence about competitors, we help you gather critical information to help you make a more informed business decisions.

We act fast to help take preemptive action to limit expensive problems or understand the extent of the issues at hand.

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“Diligentia tirelessly gathered the background information requested and was able to present it timely and in a way that was easily understandable. I would highly recommend Diligentia to anyone.”

We depend on Diligentia Group to deliver timely and accurate background reports on the management teams of the companies we look to acquire. We would recommend Diligentia to any other financial, legal, HR, or M&A professional.