The Best Way to Find Someone

As part of what I do every day, I have to find people … people who don’t want to be found, people who are running from something or people hiding in plain sight. This may disappoint you, but I’ve been doing it long enough to know that there is no “best way” to find someone.

There are literally hundreds of ways to find someone. Some people can be easily found with a Google search or through Facebook, while others can be found only after days, weeks or even years of digging through public records, scouring the streets or rummaging through garbage.

Finding a long-lost aunt who came through Ellis Island and finding your father who skipped town 20 years ago are two totally different animals. The best way to find Aunt Bessie may be to call some relatives, while the best way to find your father may be to scour through databases.

While there may not be a “best way” to find someone or one-size-fits-all approach, there are certainly some best practices and resources that you should start with.

Here is a collection of some posts that we have put together to get you started.

Six Tips to Search Google Like an Expert

Before we dive into some of the different ways to find someone, you may want to polish up your Google search skills.

How to Find Someone on the Internet

Here are some basic steps to find someone on the Internet, including links to some helpful sources.

How to Find Background Information on People

If you are trying to find someone, you might be surprised where the information may turn up. You never know what piece of information may lead you to the person.

Private Investigator Tips: How to Find Information About Someone

Here we look at some inside tips on where the experts go to find information.

Four Ways to Find Someone on Facebook … Even the Boogie Man

With nearly a billion people on Facebook, there is a good chance that the “someone” you are looking for is there … you just need to find them.

Using a Private Investigator to Find a Person or Witness

If all else fails, you can always contact a private investigator to find a person. Retaining a private investigator may be your last resort, but here are some tips to prepare you.

How Much Does It Cost to Find a Person?

If you do end up hiring a private investigator to find someone, how much does it cost? Here is a quick rundown of how we approach it with our clients, but keep in mind that this may not be the way every private investigator does it.

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